Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ha Erişte, Ha Spaetzle...

Bakkala çocuk yollama kavramının bir de şöyle carpıtılmış hali vardır:

Akşama yeşil mercimek çorbası yapılacaktır. Şef'in canı içine erişte koymak ister ama evde erişte ne geze. İşteyken msn üzerinden işten erken çıkacak Martin'e hemen mesaj yollanır:

"Can you get erişte from Turkish Bakkal?" 
Şimdiye kadar Martin artık bakkalın ne olduğunu bilmektedir.
"Huh? What is that?"
"Turkish Spaetzle, kind of." 
Hani çocugun aklına bir tat gelsin de, heyecanlansın diye.
"How do you prounounce it?" 
Akıllı çocuk mirim.
"Erishte. Write 'erişte' on a piece of paper, remember the 's' has a tail and give it to the guy, he'll get it for you."

Martin gider, 25 yaşının bütün olgunluğu ile bakkal amcaya uzatır kağıdı. Artık yüzünde 'bizim hanım yolladı, kısa saçlı olan hani' imasi mı yüklüdür yoksa bakkal amca bu tip muamelelere cok mu alışıktır bilinmez ama, hemen anlar da tutuşturuverir erişteyi eniştenin eline. Tabi ben bakkal amcaya eniştenin enişte değil, suç ortağı ldugunu, benim de hanım değil oylesine bir kız olduğumu anlatmaya calışarak vakit kaybetmemişimdir. Nitekim en yakın arkadaslarımın bile bazen anlamaktan aciz oldukları bu ilişkinin boyutlarını oturup Queens'deki bakkal amcayla tartışacak değilimdir.

Akşama leziz erişteli yesil mercimek corbasi... bi de zeytinyağlı yaprak sarma... ardından da künefe... Martin cok sever...Bekleriz...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Want List

Since wanting is free:

.I want someone to write a song for me... preferable a love song...
.I want a man over 50's to apologize to me as in 'Alpha' song "Delaney'...
.I want mushroom...
.I want a tattoo kit...
.I want a gun, shit load of ammunition and a room full of butter flies...

Since wanting is never free, you should care for what you ask for.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Change, my friend, comes in disguise. IT comes in shapes and form undeclared, unpredictable. And the worst of it all, your perception of it, comes too late, when there is nothing left to do but just accept it with all the baggage it comes with... It comes to change your core, sweat you more, all cold. You freeze, you're freaked, you're stunned, you're stupified and in the end, you are finally broken... But the change has already taken its course, all there is left for you to do is pick up your pieces and keep on walking. Keep calm and carry on.

And I am not talking about the new Facebook or the new haircut gone wrong or the new actress in your favorite show. I am talking about a type of change that shakes your core: when you have let someone go, when you have to give that long lived thing up, when you have to let that habit go, none bad, but they fulfilled their time in your life span and they have to move on as much as you do. When you realize that you have to give up, you panic, you dont wanna let go, you fight, you beg. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, the times after change is better, you realize how good things have gotten and sometimes you think that change will never be for better. Giving up is never going to make a better thing out of you. Then you fight, like your life is at stake and when you lose, you are kind of done, undone. Ready to redo yourself.