Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Name of the Game

When does it happen? 
How does it happen? 
You never know and you never will. You just get hit by it. 
You are as shocked as before, unbelieving, puzzled and confused. 
You just don't undestand how quick, how uncanny and sneaky it can approach you and you just don't understand until it is all over, 
until it is too late, 
until the arrow had left the bow and 
until you are on a road that you cannot turn back. 
until you give that heart of yours and you cannot take it back.

The name of the game is 'falling in love' and it is the best game that man has ever invented.

It is so unpredictable. You never know how it will happen, when, who, but it will happen when you are ready. Not when you THINK you are ready, but when you are really ready. Ready to suck in all the joy and pain that love has to offer. It will happen when you do not look for it, really, believe me. It will creep up on you from behind, catch you breathless and shaken, not stirred, no olives, dry...

The name of the game is "falling in love" and it is the best game that man is entitled to play. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

the lie or the truth

So the doctor comes to my room and asks:

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you?" and then he explains how sometimes lying about a patients' terminal condition works as a placebo and actually helps them get better with no apparent, medical reason. He explains how the apparent existence of hope can sometimes, even though rare, cure patients.

And then he adds that sometimes the opposite where the sudden revelation of imminent death can give the patients the last minute boost they needed to save it all, literally where they do everything in their power to physically and mentally get better or figuratively where they make their last days/weeks/months count like it never did before. So he points out:

"Both cases have advantages and disadvantages. The patients who do not know about the seriousness of their condition may go on living the way they did before, missing out on all the good stuff they might have done if they had know any better. And the patients who did know may succumb to depression under the pressure of the truth and  do a hell lot less with their life than the scenario where they had been given hope. So which scenario you think you'd benefit from the best?"

I think briefly and  say:

"I think I'd like you to lie me the truth."