Monday, November 25, 2013

Visual stimuli a la awesome!!!!! 2.12.2013

Antlerssss!!!! I want antlers!!!! everything looks good in antlersssss!!!
Some Deviantart kid drew it I think, but can't seem to find him/her.
Apparently you can buy it
Two pills. That's all it takes to fukitol

Romain Laurent
part of "One Loop Portrait a Week" Project, very fun!
Luis Aretuo
1963 Buick Riviera, oh yeah!!! that grill.
Neither clistoris, nor penis.
Thierry Lebraly
A great mix between Terry Richardson and Jurgen Teller, if you ask me.
Reminds me of very sexy/cool friend (Yes Domaniç I am talking about you)

Light Pink over light cyan. That is the key. Just so you know.
Ryan Mcginley
very nice stuff. Some cheesy, some easy, but all very dreamy.
(used rhymezone to find the word, dreamy, that rhymed with easy :)..)
If a wolf were to be worn, this should be the only way.
Oh yess, they do.
It is called the "risk" candy covered with "sense of adventure".
Holy Shit man!! I wanna meet the woman who can rock these kicks!!!
Peter Popps. This guy is out of this place!!!
Yes, you are.
Yes, I am.
Saying that to yourself once a day will keep the doctors away.
Slap that a**.
Is it even possible to consider it 'ordinary' when batman is in it?
Rhetorical question alert!
I'll have the 'I know' cup, cause I am a know-it-all, you know.
Trainspotting in a nutshell.
Richard Burbridge
on Trendland. He is good, guys!!!
This trio is hott!!!!
Steve Carrell, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert
Which one is the hottest I wonder.
Colbert is quite welcoming where as Carrell is shy yet intriguing
and Stewart is playful as hell. Though call guys, though call
Yeah yeah, we all know what this is.
It has been around the interwebs for a while now.
But this one contains all the links you might need to know all there is to it.
Multiple links alert!!!
aaahahah didn't even see that coming!!!
I think it is a horse, but can't be sure.

Jashua Brito. Cool cat!
Let me give you a silver covered 'fuck off',
so you can see it better in the dark

Marton Perlaki, I think.
Very 'right to the point' body of work. Love it.
Ruth McConchie
Ferris Bueller's day off. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
We are talking about 1986 guys!
Such a tease. But don't mess with teasers.
They will only cause you trouble.
Hell of a fun trouble but trouble nonetheless.
Birthday present please!!!!
There is a neon graveyard in Las Vegas. A truly beautiful place to photograph
There are a couple of things I am in love with in the world
and retro neon signs are one of them. Bold but true statement.
"Tell me a lie of which its truthfulness shall last until I die." Özdemir Asaf
Ricardo Passporte.
I would photograph like him
if I continued to photograph.
I would give sooo much to see this scene in real life.
This one would go well with the silver middle finger, I think.
Emil Alzamora. Cool cat!
That's my life, sadly enough :)
Another silver covered thingies.
Hmmm an underlying message maybe? a Freudian slip?
or just a coincidence?
But then, there are no coincidences, are there?
Torbjørn Rødland
Wim Crouwel, an icon. Get yourself acquainted.
Aesthetics Habitat. Woooowwwww.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Visual Stimuli a la carte 04.11.2013

James Siena
Jet Blue Poster by Goodby, Silverstein and Partners and
Lab Partners
Danny Lyon
Love affair with coffee
Israeli designer Hila Martuzana
For all the meat lovers out there, yum, I guess.
That knife looks chipped though.
I can knit that :) super fun stuff.
Stephanie Casper
Portlandia poster by DKNG Studios
Will it play rustic music though?
Matchbox (Israel)
Ellen Jantzen
I can't believe I lived long enough
to see photoshopping turn into a form of art.
Mike Stimpson
It does not scream 'art'
but it sure entertains my mind :)
Sam Taylor-Wood
Heads up: She also directed the movie Nowhere Boy
Stephane Balleux
a bit classic but very nice stuff.
Cody Comrie
Paramus Records by Mateusz Brzezniak
Christina Michelitsch
Niagara Detroit 
That's I am talking about when I say : Be my partner in crime :)
a giclee print will make a perfect bday present for me :))))
I would love to watch that happen. 
I guess they just need to divide it by zero, right?

I can see a subliminal circle within subliminal circle in the back though.
So apparently there is something called Pipe lighting. Huh....
Justin Draws. Nice stuff.
Cover of Human Crow by G-rom.
Don't know the owner of the art work though
Luigi Veronesi
Crazy Beautiful
CELINE by Jurgen Teller.
Mika Rottenberg
Mika Rottenberg
She was in Istanbul Bienal this year
Monotono Poster Study – Down With The Tyranny of Logical Perspective
Matthew Tammaro
Hand made lace boots by Chantilly Dreams
John Kippin
Light Show at Hayward Gallery
Exquisite and sold out! A sold out art show!! Hello UK
David Maisel. Super cool cat!!!
Vintage Soap, apparently :P

Is it in or is it out? I played tennis for 15 years.
Still don't know if the ball on the line means in or out
model is Anna Speckhart.
But whoever thought of coloring her eyes black did a great job indeed.
Franco Matticchio
Not as much as this! but cool cat nonetheless
Lennart van Uffelen for ATELIER BELGE
Henri Cartier-Bresson lookalike.
I wont call him a copycat because you cannot copy
capturing the decisive moment