Sunday, July 15, 2012

From Fire to Ashes, we go....

While Prometheus was facing his own misery in dignity on the top of the Caucasus Mountain where his liver was eaten by the eagle for all eternity, I got the chance to talk to him at nights, when his liver grew back only to be re-eaten in the following morning. As I asked him every question I desired, and listened to his humble answers, I realized how grateful we should be for his sacrifice, since it has been over 500.000 years since he stole the fire from the gods and gave it to us, humans, ergo causing the fury of the one god everyone avoids, Zeus and have been paying for it since then, 500.000 years of torture and more to come (Since Heracles is too busy devouring himself in the earthly pleasures of lust). As I looked at him in pity and sadness he looked back at me with love and said:

"Dot' fret my dear, don't feel guilt, hence I'd do it again..."

Prometheus would have done it again if he was given another chance. He would have stolen the fire for us, again, knowing he'd be tortured till eternity(Dear Heracles, get over yourself). Because he believed in us, he believed that we had such potential. He still does, in the dawn of our downfall, he still believes in us. If we do not owe it to anything or anybody, we owe it to Prometheus. We have to make a better end for ourselves than the one we are leading towards to... for Prometheus.

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