Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Istanbul Contemporary aka today we are saturday, all day...

Saturday, I wanted go and have me some bagels. The only place that makes and sells bagel in Turkey is Tribeca. We chose their Nişantaşı branch so we could easily go to Istanbul Contemporary. Martin has been distributing THAT magazine there for the past 2 days and he got me a press pass, yay! very executive. 
So I went, I saw, I was amazed and now I share. I had a similar experience many many years ago in Paris at Pompidou Museum. And I am delighted to have it again: being over stimulied by the amazing art.

Daniele Buetti

David Rodrigues Caballero

Diedrick Kraaijeveld

Emin Çizenel. Candle soot on canvas. 

Ivan Navarro

Johan van Mullern.
His website is not up yet. Wiki will have to do, for now.
Juan Genoves.
This is one of those pieces you need to see in person to appreciate.

Marc Harrold

Mehmet Ali UysalAnother work I'd like on my walls. Very genius, very very. 
Michael Kmoth
Murat Pulat. Pixel art is the new black!

Mustafa Özbakır.
Now this is a piece I'd like to own. It is quite big though. I am not sure I have enough walls.

Özlem Günyol / Mustafa Kunt.
Neither the neon on the reflection nor the girl taking the picture belong to the piece.
Rouben Gregorian

Sabire Susuz 

Seo Young Deok. Is it because I love bicycles or because it is just nice?

Stephane Lallemand

Unknown.. by me... I mean I am sure someone knows who did this piece, just not me.

means I don't know,
means I did not check or find the tag for the artwork.


Unknown. I just love neon work for some reason.


Unknown. Could not find its tag. Nice though. Very big piece, bigger than me.

Can Ertaş

Gül Ilgaz

Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin

Mustafa Karyağdı

Servet Koçyiğit.
Martin sees this piece and tells me: You can do something like this too!
Funny Mister, very funny.

Tuğberk Selçuk

Unknown. I could not find the tag for this piece. Sorry 
Abraham David Christian. Horrible website but the work is worth checking.

Rada Boukova
Andy Denzler. These are not even some of his best pieces!!!

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